以前からご要望の多かったFANBOXの過去作品を販売します( ^ω^ )
ですので月によってかなり枚数に差が出てしまいますがそれでも見たいという方のみご利用頂ければと思います。(*‘ω‘ *)
We will sell past works of FANBOX that have been requested many times (^ω^)
This shop is for those who are new fans and want to see past works.
In order not to lose money to those who have been supporting us for a long time, we will sell the past one month at a uniform price of 500 yen at the same price as FANBOX.
Therefore, although the number of images varies considerably depending on the month, we hope that only those who still want to see it will be able to use it. (*‘ω‘*)
我们将出售多次要求的 FANBOX 过去的作品 (^ω^)
因此,虽然图像数量因月份而异,但我们希望只有那些仍然想看的人才能使用它。 (*‘ω‘*)